To those visiting these pages, whether you are a Knight or Dame of this Order or a casual visitor, welcome! It is our hope that through these pages, we may be able to explain more fully who and what we really are, and also to dispel some of the myths which have arisen over the years, the first of which is to state that we are NOT a secret society. We are not even a society with secrets, but we are quite simply a non-denominational Christian organisation with a long and proven ancient history, which hopes to perpetuate the ideals of chivalry in the modern world. We are not affiliated to or with any political party, indeed we are strictly non-political and have no political aims or objectives at all. Neither are we a historical or a re-enactment society. We are not a secret nor a secretive society and although some of our members may be Freemasons, we are not a masonic organisation nor affiliated with Freemasonry, in any way. Nine hundred years after the founding of the Order of the Temple, the Grand Priory of England (OSMTH England) is among the Templar organisations keeping alive the noble and ancient Knights Templar traditions in the present day. At the same time, we raise funds for charities, each of which is decided annually. Past contributions have included Help 4 Heroes, Bus Stop, The Rainbow Trust and most recently, Embrace the Middle East (formerly the Bible Lands Society). If you are not a member but would like to have further information, please feel free to get in touch contact details are elsewhere on this web-site. On behalf of the membership, I extend the hand of friendship to all who will take it with honour and good intent. Yours in the Cause,
H.E. The Chevalier Paul Grant KGCTJ Grand Prior and Master of the Knights Templar in England
© The Grand Priory in England of the Knights Templar, 2023