News from the Grand Priory of England

DIARY DATES 2023-2027
To enable members of the Order to plan ahead efficiently, the Grand Priory of England has fixed dates for investitureswhich are the Saturday closest to 24th May in each year, being the anniversary of Hugues de Payen, our first Grand Master, and the Saturday immediately after 13th October in each year, which is Templar Remembrance Day commemorating the day when hundreds of Knights Templars across France were simultaneously arrested on the orders of King Philip of France, which saw the Order disbanded for over 400-years.
Saturday 18th October 2025 AUTUMN INVESTITURE Venue to be announced
Saturday 17th October 2026 AUTUMN INVESTITURE Venue to be announced
Saturday 31st May 2025 SPRING INVESTITURE Christchurch Priory, Dorset
Saturday 23rd May 2026 SPRING INVESTITURE Venue to be announced
Saturday 22nd May 2027 SPRING INVESTITURE Venue to be announced
Saturday 16th October 2027 AUTUMN INVESTITURE Venue to be announced
Knightly News The latest edition of Knightly News can be downloaded by clicking the image.
© OSMTH England 2024
OSMTH and the Grand Priory of England is a chivalric non-denominational Christian organisation whose objects are the Christian values of Faith, Hope, and Charity. We are not a political organisation, are not associated with any political organisation and have no political aims or ambitions. We emphatically denounce all those who seek to besmirch the honourable reputation of the Knights Templar for any political, subversive or unlawful activity.